Those pictures were taken this weekend. I'll talk more about pregnancy and babies in a moment. We had a very busy, but enjoyable weekend. On Saturday my sister came over to spend the night. I absolutely love when she comes over, and so do Jordan and Axel. We wish she could live with us. She is so much fun to have around. Although I felt like a terrible host. Before I went to pick her up, I spent the entire morning cleaning. I only cleaned the kitchen and living room but somehow got caught up in what I was doing and really cleaned. Scrubbed the floors, cleaned the cabinet doors, behind the fridge, etc.. Although it felt great to have it done and sparkly clean, by the time my sister was here I was pooped! I was trying so hard not to fall asleep just sitting with her. She was pretty understanding though and I think she just enjoys being out of the house, even if that means sitting around ours.
Saturday evening we had some of our neighbors over for pizza. Jordan makes delicious home-made pizza and we have made great friends with a few of our neighbors. There are 3 floors in our apartment building and on our floor alone there are 6 little boys! All of them except one (who is only two weeks old!) are just about the same age, give or take a month, so the moms try to get together often to let the kids play and have some grown-up chatter. We all enjoyed the pizza and had a nice time talking and watching the kiddos run around. I had to take a picture of the boys in their high chairs. It was too funny.
The two boys on the far right are Brayden and Silas. They are such sweet, calm, boys. Axel and his friend Christian (to the right of him) are one in the same. They both love to make mischief and have a little problem with hitting that we (the mommies) are working on. They are cute together though.
On Sunday we went to Church and relaxed in the afternoon. I took Lucy to meet up with my dad (we meet half-way so the drive isn't too long for either person) and then got ready to have people over once again. Once a month our Branch President and his wife hold a fireside for the young married couples in our branch. There are only a few of us, but it is nice to just get together and talk to other adults about ways that we can improve and strengthen our marriages. It's always very uplifting and makes my heart flutter for Jordan. It's a great reminder of how lucky I am to have him. Anyways, we take turns hosting the fireside and this week it was at our house. Once everyone left Jordan and I basically fell asleep standing up, as we were both so tired after the busy weekend. I forgot to mention that on Saturday, he got up to go to work at 3am, came home at 10am and aside from when we were hosting our little pizza soiree, he was working on homework until midnight! I don't know how he does it!
On Monday I had my weekly OB appointment (yes, I'm down to weekly appointments!) I mentioned to my doctor that I had been feeling a lot more pressure than normal and having a lot of braxton hicks that day. He measured my stomach and said that the baby is probably somewhere around 8lbs right now (which is pretty big for being just under 37 weeks). Of course, they can only estimate so he could be off, but the baby does feel big to me too. Then he checked me to see if I was dilating. The last time I was checked was at about 35 weeks and I was at a 1. Yesterday when he checked me I was still at a 1, but he said he noticed something abnormal happening with my cervix. I'm not really sure how to explain it, but he drew me a picture of what is going on. He said it's nothing to be really concerned about, but it's also something he doesn't see very often and it's not necessarily a good thing. A broad explanation would be that while my cervix is changing, it's not changing into the right shape (???) so the baby is going to have a really hard time getting out. He said to come in and get checked again if I am having more braxton hicks, and that he will definitely check me again at my next appointment (which is next week). Once I get to 2cm he said it is best to have the baby. With the size and cervical funny business it will do more harm than good to keep him inside. It's exciting news, but then again I could go to a 2 today, or it could take another 2 weeks (although if he continues to grow for 2 more weeks, that's another 2lbs he could gain. I can't imagine having a 10 lb baby! yikes!) We shall see! Either way, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited to meet this sweet baby boy! Of course I will miss having him tucked inside me nice and safe and warm, but I can't wait to hold him (and breath, and bend, and sleep).
Last night we went on a nice long walk. It wasn't as long as I would have hoped, but with how low the baby is sitting it was getting pretty painful, and Ax was getting cold. Still, it felt great to get outside and get moving!
And of course I have to share a little about our amazing Axel. What's new with Axel you ask? Well, he loves to be naked! I let him run around naked for awhile yesterday and right after I took this picture, he pooped on the floor. Oops!
He also loves to eat cereal out of the box. I was a little nervous to just let him go crazy with the box, but he does much better this way. If I give him a cup or bowl with cereal he thinks it's a party and throws it everywhere and then steps on it. Real fun for Mama.
I'm having so much fun soaking up my days with just Ax before the babe comes. I know he will be such a great big brother, but I want to hold on to these last few days alone with just him and I. He is my number 1 and I have a hard time imagining how I will make room in my heart to love another child as much as I love him. It is an indescribable love. He is my everything. I really can't fathom how fulfilling and almost overwhelming it will feel to love TWO boys so much!