Monday, April 16, 2012


Yes, we are alive. Alive and doing well. I promised myself a million and one times that I would update my blog and never got around to it. I had it all planned out, down to the witty remarks, but.. sigh.. I am only just now getting to it!

It's been about a month since I posted about our newest little bundle, Bentley. On Saturday, the 14th of April he was officially a month old. A MONTH! Already! Crazy how time flies, although it already seems like he's been a part of our family forever. How lucky I feel to have such an easy going baby. He may look like his big bro, but his temperament is completely different! He only really cries when he needs something (which is usually to pass gas, oh boy... this kid..) and he is a great eater, which is going to save us lots of money on the formula we ended up needing for Axel. Now I'll get to savor the sweet smell of breastmilk breath even longer! Axel, you deprived me of this cheap thrill. Don't act grossed out, you know you love it.

Speaking of Axel, now that we've had some time to get used to Bentley being here I have to be honest. He did have a tough couple of days. Not right at the beginning, but around two weeks in, he struggled a little. There were two long days of him acting like he absolutely hated me and Jordan. It was really hard, sad, and heart-breaking. I tried everything I could to make him feel loved, needed, appreciated, and accepted but it wasn't enough. The change was taking it's toll on him. I knew what would help, and that was one-on-one attention with no babies around. So I called in the big-guns. I realized how much he loved having Grandma Ripp around and decided the answer would lie in the power of Grandma's. So it was off to Grandma Stanley's for little Ax. At first I wondered if I was like, shipping him off. But he spent an entire Tuesday and an entire Thursday with her and it made all the difference. He was showered with fun and attention and was happy to come home and be with Jordan, Bentley and me. It really did the trick. We're so lucky to have so many people around who love our boys so much! Since then, Axel has been his usual self, and seems to be growing up so much! He is such a great helper with Bentley and is always giving him hugs and kisses. He is obsessed with Bentley's feet and loves to take his socks off and (try to) put them back on.

Our Easter was really relaxed and nice. We went to Church (Bentley's big debut!) came home for naps, and then we went to the Stanley's for Easter dinner. Jordan's sister Kelly and her new hubby Steve were in town visiting so it was nice to see them. I hadn't met Steve yet so that was cool too. They are a very sweet and loving couple.

Headed to Church..

Sorry for the freakish close-up.

The weather hasn't been fantastic like it was when I left the hospital but it is warming up a little and we've had a blast going on walks and going to the park.

One day last week the three of us went for ice cream and then to the park. We hadn't been out of the house in so long so it was really nice to get out and be out! We were gone for a few hours and pretty tuckered out by the time we got home. Axel was such a big boy eating his ice cream by himself. Down the street the middle schoolers had just been released and a few of them came for ice cream. In this picture, Axel was charming the girls. It was really funny.

He also enjoyed running around in the sand at the park.

The other day we went to a park we haven't been to in awhile and we were the only ones there. Five minutes later a big group of pre-schoolers just a little older than Ax showed up. My oh my was he in heaven! He made some friends and had a fun time playing with all the kids. One girl was cracking him up as she'd chase him around the structure and when she'd "catch" him she would say "ding-dong!". Belly laughter ensued. It was adorable. I can't wait for Bentley to be old enough to play with him like that. Not that I'm rushing things, but it will be fun when the time comes.

Off we go!

"Ding Dong!"

Bentley had his one-month well-baby check-up (I like words with dashes. Call me over-zealous). Our eyes do not deceive us, he is growing like a weed! At 4 weeks old he weighed in the 98th percentile at 12.5lbs and has grown an inch! I guess these major babaloos I've acquired are doing some good in the world.

Milk drunk baby..

Sweet Handsome Boy..


  1. It so fun seeing pictures and hearing about your guys life! We glad everything is going well and Axel is adjusting better now!

  2. Axel is such a stud! Only 2 months left. I cannot wait. I'm so glad you guys are doing so well! You're such a good mama with all the fun things that you do with your boys!

  3. Typical nice comment, saying something nice about your children and things that are good. Yayyyyyyy!!
